How to select change teams that are able to drive transformation – prerequisites to make real impact

Think of the dedicated team that is often set up to identify and break down the barriers of change. This change team is the leader’s extended arm in the transformation of organisational structures, processes and/or behaviours. So what does this mean in practise? What are the prerequisites for selecting the change team members? Remember that … Continue reading

Why change when most change programs fail? Why not make the best of what you have?

Yes, we should change, and yes, we should stay true to the core ideology. Most organisational change programs fail. Either they don’t change anything, or the changes do not deliver the wanted results. So, why spend so many resources on change efforts that do not succeed? Why not make the best of what you have? … Continue reading

Strategizing from within: Values and competence are the fundamentals, language makes sense, and actions give sense.

In a knowledge intensive society, members are asking for clues on how they can make a difference. Before leaders can explain how employees can contribute, they must make sense of the strategy and the inner organizational work-life themselves. Strategizing is thus a mutual and reciprocal sense-making and sense-giving process where leaders learn to enable subsequent … Continue reading

Curlingledelse eller autoritetsledelse: Ja takk, begge deler

Tom Colbjørnsen ( etterspør tydelige ledere med autoritet til å skjære gjennom, som tar tak i situasjonen, bestemmer, viser vei og ikke viker unna for motkrefter, i stedet for curlingledere som er tjenere og omsorgspersoner for sine ansatte. Debatten i etterkant av dette utspillet har dreid seg om viktigheten av samspill, at sterkere styring og … Continue reading

Leadership development: Participative leadership gaining ground as education level increases

In a forthcoming article in the British Journal of Management, Bjarne Espedal and Olav Kvitastein at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, publish interesting findings from a Norwegian study on leadership. They have found a correlation between top executives´ participative orientation related to sharing information and companies´performance. Participative leadership has also been named … Continue reading

A Leadership Contextual Paradox: Consistency versus adaptation

Leadership is contextual. In the GLOBE research project on leadership worldwide, it was found that the most important factor in order to succeed as a leader is to be accepted by your subordinates. Acceptance is based on fulfilling or exceeding their expectations. Expectations are highly individual, dependent upon the context and shaped by each worker´s … Continue reading

  • Wisdom.

    The master doesn´t talk, he acts. When his work is done, the people say: "Amazing, we did it, all by ourselves!"

    - Laozi

  • Engage. And Align.

  • Eirik Haslestad